The value in following a thorough web development process

2 min readMar 17, 2021


In this post I’m going to explain why following a thorough process when creating a website is necessary in order to save time and reduce costs. Yes you read that correctly — that’s “thorough process” and “reduce costs” in the same sentence!

Recently I was asked by Network My Club to be a speaker at one of their events and present 3 bite-sized marketing insights or top tips. My first tip was on Optimising your marketing performance using multichannel analytics and AI. The second tip was about how conversational AI chatbots can engage your audience in human-like ways.

Quite often people want a website made yesterday, and they want it done cheap. Yet cutting corners in web design rarely ends well, can end up costly, and even end up taking longer than if it had been done ‘properly’ in the first place.

There is massive value in spending time up front plotting out a simple sitemap, designing rapid wireframes, creating a copy document, building the user experience, designing the user interface, and ideally doing all of that with user testing throughout, all before a single piece of code has even been written.

Making any kind of changes or updates during the final development phase is so much more time consuming and expensive especially when you take testing into account on top of that. With each phase that goes by, any updates and amends take longer and are therefore more much more costly. To give you an example, I could simply update a wireframe or prototype in a matter of minutes, however the same update made to code could take an hour or two once you factor in testing and a likely round of amends.

So, my final piece of advice is to take your time with web development, plan it out properly, test it, and you will very likely save your business time and money in the end.

